Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Can A positive blood type married with B positive blood type?

You can marry anyone no matter what their blood type. They only check your blood before you get married to see if your future children will have any obvious genetic abnormalities.Can A positive blood type married with B positive blood type?
sky r ! Yes _ If both parents are Rh positive, the child could be either Rh positive or Rh negative. This is because people have two alleles going to their Rhesus factor. Rh positive people can have two Rh positive alleles, or one positive and one negative while still being classified as positive. If at least one of the positive parents has a negative allele then that negative factor can be passed on to the child. A Rh negative person, on the other hand, necessarily has two Rh negative alleles.Can A positive blood type married with B positive blood type?
There may be trouble if the mother and child have incompatible blood types (ie: mom has A+ and baby has B-). The first pregnancy will be fine, but subsequent ones have a greater risk of miscarriage. However, doctors usually screen for blood type issues and can take measures to prevent complications.

So, in the long run, as long as mom and baby get proper medical care blood type shouldn't be an issue.
You both have rhesus positive blood

There is no problem with that!

Your children will have Rh positive blood.

They could be A or B-or AB but they WILL be positive Rh factor so you have nothing to worry about!

To find out about it look at this site(it takes a bit of understanding)


P.S. You will be carefully monitored during your pregnancy so fear not!
We will need to know the test to give you any comment. If you are worried, check with your doctor. However, your doctor might not be concerned since your result is close to the normal. Just remember, the normal range varies from lab to lab and if you are ';off'; a little, you could be right on target with a different lab running the tests.
I believe they used to check your blood for an RH factor, whatever that was, and it caused very serious birth defects if you were not compatible with your intended. I don't know if they still check for this or not. Good luck.
Yes you can. Both civic or religious. but beware please. appearances can be tricky. maybe she doesn't love you, but your money.
you can marry anyone...doesnt matter their blood type

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