Thursday, May 13, 2010

How do Conservatives view Sarah Palin's Daughter pregnancy Since She is NOT MARRIED?

Honestly speaking, I was raised by my grandmother and If i were pregnant at 17 and i was not married- I was going to hell and shunned by the whole community. But that was then How do Conservatives view Sarah Palin's Daughter pregnancy Since She is NOT MARRIED?
Conservatives only see this as a problem when a liberal or Democrat does it. When a Republican is outed as being gay, or has an affair, or shows a predilection for young boys or something like that, Republicans see it as unfair to criticize him, the charges are only political.

It's the same when a daughter of a Republican is pregnant outside of marriage. If it was Senator Biden's daughter, we'd be seeing questions here about how we could even THINK about electing someone so immoral that his daughter is pregnant. But since it's a Republican daughter, well, sh*t happens, it happens in the best families.

And it does! It could happen to your daughter. Girls with those silly Promise Keeper rings, who take pledges and get certificates get pregnant outside of wedlock just as often as girls who don't. Anyone who is young, or once was young, can be understanding about that. It doesn't really bother me a bit, what bothers me is the incredible hypocrisy of Republicans.How do Conservatives view Sarah Palin's Daughter pregnancy Since She is NOT MARRIED?
I do not know why all of the liberal Republican feminists love the fact that Sarah Palin is a Mom, and her oldest daughter Brystal is pregnant out of wedlock.. And, her daughter Brystal is having a 'shotgun' wedding to make the baby legitimate because her mother is the new VP candidate for the GOP. Brystal has been pregnant for 5 months. Why is she just now deciding to get married? Sarah Palin is a hunter, loves guns and the NRA; and I imagine she wears the pants in her household. Being a Mom does NOT qualify Sarah Palin or anyone else to be the best Vice President of the United States? If Sarah Palin had spent more time taking care of her children instead of being a Mayor and a Governor, maybe her daughter would not have become pregnant at 17 years old. What career plans does Sarah Palin's daughter have? Usually 17 year old teenagers who become pregnant have personal issues with their families.
It's clear by the the way you phrased your question that you are trying to make the point that conservatives should frown upon Sarah Palin because of this...

If I had to guess, you are a Democrat, and if I'm right about that, why are you picking on a poor teenage girl having a baby out of wedlock? Do you feel compassion for everyone, or only for fellow liberals?

I think you should send a portion of your welfare check to Palin's daughter to show how much you care about people in need.

Speaking for myself I find it refreshing that they did not have her go get a quick abortion...She is not the first politicians daughter to get pregnant just probably one of the only who did not have an abortion. If you were in my community and you were 17 I would not shun you or say you were going to hell. I would be proud of you for being strong and not giving in to the easy choice in the culture of death we are living in.
Believe it or not, conservatives are realists, too. I am a conservative Democrat. Doesn't mean I don't know that teenagers have sex and that there are way too many teenagers getting pregnant.

Once upon a time, as you said, we had the specter of pregnancy hanging over our heads to keep us chaste. No more. Seems like it is no big deal anymore.

No matter how we might hope our kids will listen to us, kids will do what kids will do. All the loving, nurturing parenting in the world can not keep a child from making a misstep here and there, and sometimes the consequences are lifelong.

That being said, I had my first child at eighteen, and that was 45 years ago, so it's not like it is something new in the world.

Look, it happens all the time, and has happened since time began. Conservative or not, I think the only way to confront human nature is to teach your child the values you hope they will adopt, and make sure they have education and access to birth control and techniques of safe sex to protect themselves.

I think there's an answer in there somewhere. I meant for there to be.'s none of our business that Sarah Palin, who's running to the be the second most important person in one of the most powerful nations on Earth has a daughter who has a illegitmate kid at 17....

However, it's totally worth a constitutional amendment to stop Sulu from Star Trek from marrying his boyfriend??

Logic abounds!
Real conservatives aren't so narrow-minded. They follow certain values and try their best to teach those values to others, but in end life happens and it is not able to be controlled. What's important is to support each other through life's challenges as they happen.

At least they don't think of the baby as a punishment.
When I heard about it, my first thought was, ';oh boy, here we go.';

Look, whatever your personal views are about out-of-wedlock sex, we all know that things happen and people make choices and there are consequences. Anyone who is a parent knows that you don't have much influence after, oh, about what age? Maybe 14? Probably depends on the kid, but you do your best and then they make their own choices.

So, it doesn't change my opinion of Palin, because I know she's a mom who is doing her best, just like me. And, I know that, while they are putting on their smiley faces for the public, I'm sure there were a few things said behind closed doors. You know there were a few freak-outs, but that part is a family matter. I wish the mother-to-be well, and I hope she and her husband-to-be will really work hard to make their marriage work, because heaven knows, they've got a few strikes against them from the start. I applaud them for getting married, even at their young age. I think adoption is the best choice, and marriage is the second best choice in situations like these.

Politically, it is disappointing, because it becomes fodder for attacks from the Dems.
I think you have to understand that everyone in life makes mistakes, and even when Obama was asked this exact same question he said candidate's families should be left out of elections and even though something like that happened, it does not have anything to do with how a person will run our country. Very noble of Obama to say.
I view it as a very unfortunate situation and a very bad mistake for a young woman, but there isn't any option at this point for the Palin family to band together and do all they can to help give the new baby the best life they can. She isn't the first teenager to get pregnant and won't be the last.
Well, I can say this ... God doesn't hate the person, he only hates the sin. God sent Jesus to save us from our sins, not to judge us. We need to be graceful and forgiving in this case, and with all children caught in this predicament.

And now I will tell you my grand daughter came about the same way, I was mad at first, but she is now the light of my life ... All children are blessings form God, whether born or unborn and whether married or not.
I am a conservative but even I understand cultures change. While I disagree with it, it is no longer about whether or not she is married, but the welfare of the child.

No matter what, it happened. Now she simply needs to look to the future. So does a lot of other people, but they won't.
Please consider

since BOTH the Democrat and Republican offerings for candidates are seriously lacking in qualifications and moral standing.....

Would U consider voting for the NOT a Democrat and NOT a Republican?

Think about it!
I wonder if she attended a school that didn't teach sex ed, you know, follwing Bush's faith based programs so they can get more money. Keep 'em uneducated about sex, and cross your fingers that horny, curious teens aren't going to screw around.
That is exactly how the far right christian conservatives will treat Sarah and her family. They will see this as an embarrassment and demand she be replaced. The far christian right have a very narrow view of Christianity.
Most of the conservative religious people are standing behind her because she is walking the walk, not just talking the talk. I am standing behind her because she is the best person for the job.
Republicans are thin-skinned hypocrites. If the situation were reversed, the Repukes would be calling for a public lynching. Instead, they're trying to say that trailer-trash morals are fine.
I believe you mean social conservatives. Many people today are fiscal conservatives and social liberals (or moderates).

As for your question.

Its not my problem.
Why can't you people follow the wise counsel of Barack Obama and regard this family matter to be NOT AN ISSUE?

The thumbs down tell me you repukes want it to be an issue.
I don't know, but those evangelicals sure know how to pop out the illegitimate children, don't they!?
I think many may be disappointed about it however, they Will be pleased she is not getting an abortion.
THings have changed. It is a normal occurrence to see an un-wed mother. I think it has nothing to do with this election and should be left alone.
Follow Plan B get married.
Pretty bad decision... at least she is taking ownership of it though instead of saying that society made her a slut.
I am sure they weren't thrilled but they are dealing with it
I could care less, even if they were dems.

McPalin 08
yes. that was then. better the family shows love, caring and support.
It is not any of my business. I wish she has a healthy baby.
I'm fine with it. I give her lot's of credit for not having an abortion. She could've done that,but she didn't.

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