Thursday, May 13, 2010

What is the anticipated 2008 amount of standard deduction for a married person fiiing jointly?

I am trying to estimate what I might owe in Federal Tax for 2008. (trying to do a long-term picture of my budget). I will be filing married jointly--my husband does not work, and between the two of us, the only income, at this point in time (until I find a teaching job) will be 15,360.

If I am able to take the standard deduction, am I correct in thinking that i will also be able to claim a certain amount for my husband and myself? (married, claiming two?)What is the anticipated 2008 amount of standard deduction for a married person fiiing jointly?
This year it's $10,300, and will be up a little next year but not much.

Even with this year's amounts of $10,300 for the standard deduction and $6600 for your two exemptions, you wouldn't owe any tax on income under $16,900 unless some of it was from self-employment, so if your income is $15,360 you wouldn't owe any income tax. If you get a teaching job and your income goes up, though, you would. Good luck.What is the anticipated 2008 amount of standard deduction for a married person fiiing jointly?
The standard deduction for MFJ for 2006 returns is $10,300. For 2007 returns it will be a little higher, adjusted for inlfation. People who use the filing status MFJ in 2006 are entitled to $3,300 per exemption and a married couple have at least two exemptions -- themselves -- in addition to any children they may have. Next year will be the same except the exemption amount will be a little higher, again adjusted for inflation. If your income will truly be only $15,360, you will most likely not owe any taxes and will be entitled to a full refund of any monies withheld from your wages. Your best bet is to claim ';married'; with 2 exemptions on your W4 for any new job. That way your taxes are sure to be covered if your income goes up and you may even get a nice refund.
The Standard Deduction amount for Married Filing Joint for 2007 will be $10,700.00

There is no current information for the 2008 Tax year yet


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